Alkaline Diet Blog & Recipes

[Video] Cancer Series 2 – The Astounding Fact About Cancer Getting Rid of It

In the previous part of this Cancer Series set of blog posts and videos, we looked at The Big Cancer Scam. The aim was to give you practical information for better understanding and for prevention and healing of this widespread disease. Watch Part 1 of The Cancer Series Video Here In part 2, we're going

2017-06-23T09:48:53+00:00 April 3rd, 2014|Tags: , , , |

The Great Superfoods Hoax: Should I Supplement My Diet?

I don’t now about you but when I first decided to take my health seriously and discovered more and more about the benefits of a more alkaline diet, the question of ‘superfoods’ came up: Do I take superfoods and supplements and if so which ones and how often? There are a number of slick ‘natural

2017-06-23T09:48:53+00:00 March 7th, 2014|

The 15 Food Factors: What To Do If You Are Confused About Healthy Eating

There are so many choices that we face every day with the way we eat. Most of these are not conscious choices – especially since we all have busy lives and often have to grab whatever is convenient and fits in with what we’re doing at the time. There are actually 15 choices we have

The Truth About Dairy, Calcium & Cancer: Lessons As The Milk Industry Changes Campaign

The milk industry has recently retired its ‘Got Milk’ campaign that it used for almost 20 years, has pumped billions of dollars into and enlisted many celebrity faces to promote – Miley Cyrus, Angelina Jolie, David Beckham, Taylor Swift, Usher, the late Michael Jackson, Britney Spears, Jackie Chan, Andre Agassi, to name but a few.

2017-06-23T09:48:54+00:00 March 3rd, 2014|Tags: , |

Are Fruits Alkaline or Are Fruits Bad For You?

Three questions I get asked a lot are: “Are fruits alkaline?” “Which fruits are alkaline?” and “Should I cut back on fruit?” So many people think that fruit is BAD. How did this happen?! Even people who are well-informed have been convinced that fruit is to be minimised or avoided. I used to be one

2017-06-23T09:48:54+00:00 February 25th, 2014|